Three Bottles Jun 07, 2011 I got these three bottles from Goodwill for a couple of bucks, and I think they are just beautiful. While sticking to the same general shape, I varied up the color and size on just one in order to make it the “centerpiece.” I used to have them sitting on top of an antique dresser in my den, but now I have them on top of my bookcase. I love the way they look when they catch the rays of the afternoon sun. ...
2011 Memorial Day Hike - Day 3 Jun 06, 2011 We woke up on the last day around 6:45. Groggy and somewhat stiff from the prior two days hikes, we dragged out feet a little before leaving. We started out of Rice Field Shelter at 7:20 heading towards Pearisburg, VA about 6.5 miles away. The night weather was prime for sleeping with a comfortable temperature and cool – not cold – breeze. As we started walking off of the saddle we noticed that cool weather had some consequences: with it came dew, which quickly soaked our shoes and shins in the knee-high grass. ...
2011 Memorial Day Hike - Day 2 Jun 05, 2011 Most of us slept fitfully, but not terribly so. The common complaint was sliding down to the tail-end of the hammock in the middle of the night. Phil, on the other hand, had a somewhat different complaint: he had an animal (probably a deer) outside his tent from 1:30am until 4, keeping him awake. Extra clothes and even his own shoes pressed up against his ears did nothing to avail him of the noise. ...
2011 Memorial Day Hike - Day 1 May 31, 2011 I woke up at Tommy’s house at around 6:30, anxious to get on with the day, but everyone else is still sleeping when I go downstairs. I idle for a bit in his den, then meander back upstairs to catch another hour of sleep. Everyone eventually wakes up around 8. We head to the local breakfast place - “Pancake House” - where we all grub on some delicious food. Except for Scott, that is. ...
The Business Parent and the Fun Parent May 26, 2011 Over the past month Kristin and I have realized that Layla views us in two very different lights: I’m the “business” parent and Kristin is the “fun” parent. Let me explain. The business parent is the one who gets right into the task at hand. If it is changing time, then that time is for changing and not much else; it isn’t a time for playing with toys or making many jokes during the process. ...
Completing The Appalachian Trail In Shenandoah May 10, 2011 I started off on Friday, 5/6. Tired of I-81 and all of the trucks, I decided to take Route 29. I got to Sawmill Run Overlook in 2.5 hours, but took a wrong turn because the moon shed no light on the SNP sign just off the exit. Further complicating things was a convoluted network of roads to get to the actual Skyline drive. I got there and listened to Pink Floyd until Tommy arrived. ...
A Beautiful Wedding in Hampton, VA May 02, 2011 This weekend my lovely sister Amy got married to her best friend Mike. I’m happy to have had the opportunity to be a part of the event alongside my wife Kristin and baby girl Layla. We each had an awesome time! While all of these great images are fresh in my mind I thought I’d solidify them e-paper for posterity’s sake! Here are some of my newly formed memories: The Day Before The breeze is cool and refreshing, and the weather is in the upper 60s. ...
Smush - The Python Image Compressor Apr 06, 2011 Like the good web citizen I am, I was looking the other day on WebPagetest to see how this very site fared in terms of speed. Being that it is a static site I was expecting to take home a good grade report to my Mom and Dad, but lo and behold I was greeted with the following after waiting for the test to finish: Ouch! Fs almost across the board. ...
Court of Neptune Fountain Apr 05, 2011 The Library of Congress was one stop on my grand tour of DC a few weeks back. Right in front the main building - the Thomas Jefferson Building - is this gorgeous set of sculptures. Titled “Court of Neptune,” they were created by sculptor Roland Hinton Perry way back in 1895. Unfortunately the water wasn’t going on the day I visited, but in my opinion this doesn’t take away from their raw beauty. ...
Panoramas from Washington, DC Mar 25, 2011 Here are a couple panoramas from my walk around DC last weekend. These were assembled from upwards of 10 pictures each in the stitching tool hugin. More to come! I have some more complex ones that may or may not come out alright. The US Capitol from the southwest The US Capitol from the east The Great Hall of Union Station